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Does protein treatment damage hair?
Protein is one of the main ingredients that compose our hair. Replenishing protein through treatments or hair care products such as hair masks is essential for hair’s health. That’s why proteins, such as keratin and collagen are so popular when it comes to haircare. However, no excess is recommended. Protein is known for making hair […]
DIY: Homemade keratin treatment
Keratin treatments are not new to the beauty market. However, they are always trendy: and you can easily guess why: they improve hair’s look, suit many women with all types…
Waist trainer: the complete guide
Having a small waist is the dream of most women. We all know that achieving it is not an easy and quick task. However, it is far from being impossible:…
How to remove protein treatment from hair
Protein treatments are really popular and a great investment for many women. However, taste is something very personal, and even though a lot of women love protein treatments, some others…
Discover the protein treatment
We have already seen here the importance of protein treatment for hair. Let’s now get to know a little more about how it works, the signs that the hair is…
What to do in São Paulo, Brazil?
Although most people think of Rio de Janeiro when they think of a Brazilian city,…
Reasons why you should wear sexy lingerie more often
Are you one of those women who don’t care much for the fact that the…
What is a lumbar corset?
You’ve probably heard about corsets before. They are well-known for their aesthetic use – slimming…
5 hair treatments you can try at home!
Who doesn’t like to have beautiful, soft, and shiny hair? Unfortunately, all women know how…
Bag trends of 2021 that you can’t miss!
Each woman has her style reflected in her clothes, haircut, makeup, and accessories. Among the…