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Deciding between a leave-in cream or a leave-in oil
If you have frizzy hair, you already know how hard it is to get rid of it! No matter how much you moisturize or perform treatments such as protein treatments, the little out-of-place strands may suddenly appear. And the worst thing: frizz is often accompanied by a lack of shine and nutrients in the hair! […]
What you need to know about protein treatment for curly hair
If you care about your hair, the importance of protein for hair shouldn’t be news to you. Protein is the most abundant substance in hair, and unfortunately, due to various…
Meet the incredible Brazilian brand RIOBELO!
The year 2021 brought several surprises and novelties. Among them is a wonderful one: the launch of the RIOBELO brand! Directly from Brazil, RIOBELO offers premium products for hair care,…
How to take care of your wavy hair the proper way
Neither curly nor straight, wavy hair is a great mystery when it comes to its care. After all, what kind of product to use? What haircare routine to follow? Well,…
Macadamia oil for hair: why you should be using it
Have you ever heard of macadamia nuts? What about macadamia oil? Originally from Australia, the macadamia nut is extremely rich in nutrients, and brings several health benefits! Its oil, as…
5 incredible benefits of tea tree oil for hair
It’s no secret that nature offers countless resources full of benefits for human health. Among…
Protein smoothing vs. Keratin treatments
Nowadays, most women’s desire is for soft, shiny, manageable hair! In pursuit of this, many…
Overnight hair mask: Is this a safe treatment?
If you like to take care of your hair, you must already know the importance…
The connection between protein and hair loss
There are several reasons for hair loss: genetics, stress, diet… Among them is protein deficiency!…
The dos and don’ts of a keratin treatment aftercare
Keratin is the most important protein that composes human hair. Unfortunately for us, daily factors…