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Is honey actually good for your hair?

Is honey actually good for your hair?

It is common knowledge that natural ingredients can be extremely beneficial to human health. Products such as coconut oil, argan oil, and aloe vera are known around the world for providing benefits to the skin and/or hair. Among these substances is also honey!  Have you ever heard about the benefits of honey for hair? Regardless […]

Using different hair products as deep conditioners

Using different hair products as deep conditioners

Hair of all types needs a lot of care to be beautiful and healthy. Haircare lovers around the world know that several steps in the hair care routine must be…

Choosing the perfect hair oil for your hair type

Choosing the perfect hair oil for your hair type

For those who like to take care of their hair, using more than one product during and after washing is a common thing. Shampoo, conditioner, and hair masks are usually…

Should I choose a ceramic or a titanium hair straightener?

Should I choose a ceramic or a titanium hair straightener?

One of the biggest hair damage causes is the excessive use of hair straighteners. However, you don’t have to give up the use of this tool as long as you…

How to have really curly hair in 5 easy steps

How to have really curly hair in 5 easy steps

One of the most desired hairstyles today is curly hair. However, for those who have curly hair, the task of caring for it to keep it beautiful and healthy can…


Types of protein treatment for natural hair

Protein is what composes most of the human hair. Unfortunately, with our modern lifestyle, our…

5 easy ways to keep a good posture throughout the day

Nowadays, it is increasingly difficult to find someone with good posture. After all, factors such…

Almond oil for hair: why you should use it and how

Almonds are one of the most famous foods all around the world – not only…

All the benefits of using non-wired bras

There are several types of panties and bras, each with its pros and cons, better…

Why you should be using aloe vera on your hair

A plant found all around the world, aloe vera is a natural wealth for sure!…