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Stick-on bra: 4 tips on how to maintain yours
There’s one type of bra that is known for dividing opinions: the stick-on bra. For a first-time user, it can be quite challenging to understand how to put it on correctly, since it can seem strange to touch – especially when we are talking about the silicone stick-on bras! But not only that, another aspect […]
Best shampoo for frizzy hair and other incredible tips
If there’s one thing universally dreaded by women is frizz. Ladies everywhere know how frustrating it is to get out of the house with perfect hair only to have it…
How to wear your backless shapewear
There are many incredible inventions made possible by technology. Thankfully, several of them are aimed at women, and one of those amazing inventions is the shapewear! Found in a variety…
Hair balsam: what is it and why you should use it
It seems that everyday new hair care products appear – and that’s not wrong! However, there are some cosmetics that have been present in the hair care routine for quite…
The dos and don’ts of a keratin treatment aftercare
Keratin is the most important protein that composes human hair. Unfortunately for us, daily factors such as pollution and chemical procedures lead to keratin damage. However, nowadays, there are lots…
The perfect wedding lingerie: everything you need to know
With so many things to worry about in the lead-up to a wedding, it may…
What is the best mask for damaged hair?
Who has never suffered because of damaged hair? Dry, dull, lifeless hair that seems impossible…
3 reasons why you should be wearing shapewear
Nowadays, many people still often associate shapewear with corsets from 500 years ago. If you…
Main causes of lower back pain in women
In this day and age, it is extremely common to have or know someone who…
Macadamia oil for hair: why you should be using it
Have you ever heard of macadamia nuts? What about macadamia oil? Originally from Australia, the…