Solótica: the easiest way to change your looks

Get to know the best Brazilian manufacturer of contact lenses

Have you ever wanted to change the way you look? Well, besides changing your hairstyle, maybe losing or gaining a few pounds, and resorting to makeup, there is a simple solution to change your appearance in a dramatic way: using colorful eye lenses. And that’s what Solótica is all about!

Established in 1949, Solótica[1]Sobre Nós. (2020, December 10). Solótica Lentes de Contato. was the first contact lens manufacturer in Brazil! By focusing on high technology, this fantastic brand is known for its amazing contact lenses – found in incredible designs and high-quality materials. Its products are made for visual correction, and there are “basic” options and colorful ones! 

By developing international partnerships, Solótica always comes up with differentials that make its products the number one ophthalmologic solutions! As we said, they make corrective and aesthetic lenses, guaranteeing the option to change your looks, if that’s what you want!

Solótica’s yearly colorful lenses can be found in several gorgeous colors, such as this “Quartzo” one – a sutle and natural colorful lens to amaze everyone around you!

Not only is Solótica recognized in the Brazilian market as one of the best lens manufacturers, but it’s also known and approved all over the world! This Brazilian company is approved by FDA (Food & Drug Administration USA), SFDA (Saudi Food & Drug Administration), TGA (Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration), Europe, and Mexico, as well! With such authorizations, Solótica is internationally synonymous with safety and high quality!

Now, you may be wondering “How do I use Solotica’s colorful lenses?” or “How do I take care of them?”. Well, let’s talk about it! Just like corrective contact lenses, colorful lenses must be taken good care of. The best way to do that is to purchase specific containers to contact lenses, as well as cleaning fluids for after use. By doing so, you are making sure that your eyes are receiving sanitized lenses.

If you are searching for a dazzling color, take a look at Solótica’s “Topazio” lenses!

Another important thing to consider is the validity of the lens. Solótica has contact lenses for monthly and yearly usage! Just make sure that you sanitize them and your hands when handling them, so they can be used for a long time, ok? However, even though they are for monthly and yearly use, that doesn’t mean you should wear them all the time! Make sure you follow the instructions indicated by Solótica!

Although Solótica’s monthly lenses can be worn up to a month, make sure you don’t sleep using them, ok? 

As you can see, there are quite a few steps you must follow when using contact lenses, but they are meant to ensure your safety and the hygiene of your lenses – you can find some more information about how to wear contact lenses properly here! By using contact lenses from Solótica you are guaranteeing only high-quality and safe materials are touching your eyes at the same time you are changing your looks in a natural and subtle way! 

If you want to check out more amazing colorful contact lenses from Solótica, make sure you go to Metro Brazil’s website! There you can find not only contact lenses but other incredible products from the best Brazilian brands!


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