Weight loss surgery: advantages and risks of each one

There are a great variety of weight loss surgeries nowadays. They’re all performed using keyhole (laparoscopic) surgery under general anesthesia (while you’re asleep), but they work in slightly different ways.

This article will show you the main weight loss surgeries, their effects, advantages, and risks.

Main types of surgeries: how they work

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Among the options, the most famous are:

Restrictive surgeries

They function by reducing the stomach’s size and slowing digestion. A typical stomach can store approximately 3 quarts of food. After surgery, the stomach may hold as little as an ounce at first, but this may increase to 2 or 3 ounces later. You can eat less if your stomach is small. The less you consume, the faster you lose weight.

Malabsorptive/restrictive surgeries

They reduce your stomach size and eliminate or bypass a portion of your digestive tract, making it more difficult for your body to absorb food. Because of the risks, doctors rarely perform entirely malabsorptive procedures, commonly known as intestinal bypasses.

Implanting an electrical device

The newest of the three procedures, it causes weight reduction by blocking nerve signals between the stomach and the brain.

Examples of surgeries

You just read about how weight loss surgeries work in a general way. Now, check three specific examples of popular weight loss surgeries:

Sleeve Gastrectomy

  • What is it and advantages

This is a different type of weight-loss surgery that is more restrictive. The surgeon removes around 75% of the stomach during the procedure. The stomach is replaced by a small tube or sleeve that links to the intestines.

Other weight loss surgeries may be too hazardous for people who are extremely overweight. Sleeve gastrectomy is a less invasive procedure that allows individuals to lose weight with less risks. They can have a second operation, such as gastric bypass, if necessary after losing weight and improving their health, which normally takes 12 to 18 months.

A sleeve gastrectomy doesn’t change how your body absorbs food because the intestines aren’t damaged; therefore you’re less likely to go hungry.

  • Side effects and risks

A sleeve gastrectomy is permanent. Infection, sleeve leakage, and blood clots are all potential risks.

Gastric banding

  • What is it and advantages

Gastric banding is a type of weight loss surgery that is restrictive. The stomach is divided into two pieces by the surgeon using an inflatable band: a smaller upper pouch and a bigger bottom pouch.

The two portions are still connected by a tiny canal, which slows the top pouch’s emptying. Most people can only eat 1/2 to 1 cup of food before becoming uncomfortable or ill. Soft or well-chewed food is also required.

This procedure is less complicated and risky than gastric bypass and other procedures. You’ll have a smaller scar, recover faster, and the band can be removed surgically.

  • Side effects and risks

People who get gastric banding typically lose less weight than those who have other operations. They’re also more likely to regain some of the weight they’ve lost over time.

One of the most common side effects of gastric bands is vomiting, which occurs when you eat too much or too fast. It’s possible that the band can cause problems. It could fall out of place, loosen up, or leak, for example. In some cases, it will require additional procedures.

Infection is a possibility, just like in any procedure. Some consequences can be life-threatening, despite their rarity.

Vagal Blockade

  • What is it and advantages

The vagus nerve, which signals the brain that the stomach is full, receives regular electrical impulses from an implanted pacemaker-like device. From the brain to the stomach, the vagus nerve runs. The blockade device is worn beneath the rib cage and is controlled by a remote control that can be adjusted from outside the body.

Of all the weight loss surgeries, implanting this device is the least invasive. While the patient is under general anesthesia, the outpatient operation could take up to an hour and a half.

  • Side effects and risks

If the battery dies completely, it must be reprogrammed by a doctor. Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, difficulty swallowing, belching, mild nausea, and chest pain are all possible side effects. Besides, infection, pain at the implantation site, or other surgical problems are all possible outcomes.

However, there is a low risk of significant problems with this surgery.

[1]Choosing a Type of Weight Loss Surgery. (2020). WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/diet/obesity/weight-loss-surgery-making-the-choice

The best weight reduction surgery for you will be determined by your health and body type. Do your research and book an appointment with a trustful doctor.

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