Overnight hair mask: Is this a safe treatment?

If you like to take care of your hair, you must already know the importance of regular use of hair masks! After all, they are essential to return nutrients to the hair, giving it life and health – and those who have used them fall in love with the results. But have you ever heard of the overnight hair mask?

As the name says, the overnight hair mask is simply the hair mask that you leave on overnight! But for those who have never heard about it or don’t know much about hair care, doubts about the safety and benefits of this treatment may arise. And today, that’s what we’re going to talk about!

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT OVERNIGHT HAIR MASK[1]Watson, K. (2019b, October 23). What’s the Best Overnight Hair Mask for Your Hair? Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/overnight-hair-mask


Regarding safety, we can say that most hair masks can be used overnight! But there are some exceptions… Protein masks should not be used at night, because they are already very potent in just a few minutes. Using them for hours can damage the strands, even resulting in hair loss!

Also, if you like DIY masks, be aware that some homemade ingredients are not indicated for nighttime use either! Egg, for example, is known to help return protein to the strands, when used for too many hours, results in a bad smell. Also, apple cider vinegar cannot be used for a long time because it removes proteins from the hair.


Now for the best part: the benefits! In general, the use of an overnight hair mask is a way to enhance the benefits promised by the mask in question, which can be, for example: 

  1. More hydration
  2. More shine
  3. Better nutrient absorption
  4. Less frizz
  5. Fewer knots
  6. More strength

Applying an overnight hair mask is extremely easy! The first step is to have a quality hair mask on hand, suitable for your hair type. In the case of dry and brittle hair, for example, a wonderful option is the Intensive Moisture Hair Cream Chocolate, by the Brazilian brand Nazca! 

Once you have chosen the product, the steps are very simple! 

  1. First, wash your hair as usual.
  2. Remove excess water from the hair using a microfiber towel.
  3. After that, divide your hair into parts!
  4. Apply the treatment mask starting at the roots, massaging so that the substances penetrate well. 
  5. Do the same for the entire length of the hair!
  6. Then use a wooden comb with wide combs to ensure that the product is evenly distributed.
  7. After this, you can choose to either secure the hair in a bun secured with clips or hairpins and cover it with a cap or just use the cap.
  8. Make sure you cover your pillow with a towel to avoid accidents!
  9. Sleep with the mask on, and the next day rinse your hair with cold or warm water to remove the product completely.

See how simple it is? If you want to notice even more differences in your hair after using a hair mask, try leaving it on overnight once a month! And, of course, don’t forget to choose good products, with quality ingredients, like the ones from Nazca and other wonderful Brazilian brands that you can find on the Metro Brazil website
