Facial Acne Treatment

Facial Acne Treatment: How to Achieve a Soft Youthful Skin

Everyone desires youthful, healthy skin, free of any marks or residues. However, many suffer from acne, especially as adolescents. It is a natural thing to happen due to hormonal changes. Still, it can develop into an issue that requires medical intervention. There are many facial acne treatments and recommendations for you to follow to restore your bright look.

Types of Acne:

  • Comedones: they appear due to excess oily secretions of your skin that result in bacterial growth and the development of Whiteheads; in case skin pores were closed, and Blackheads; in case they were open – the black color appears due to these oils oxidation when they come in contact with the external environment.
  • Papules and Pustules: they are the same as Comedones but are so intense that they need topical creams or systemic medication. You should follow the doctor’s instructions on the matter.
  • Nodules and Cysts: they are big, deep, and susceptible to scarring. These types need medical intervention.

Reasons behind Facial Acne:

  • Genetic factors.
  • Oily skin; the excess oily secretions can block the pores causing acne.
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome results in hormonal irregularity that causes acne; Contraceptives can help treat this case.
  • High Testosterone levels can cause acne, which is a normal thing to happen during adolescence.
  • Performance-enhancing hormone consumption.

Lifestyle-Related Facial Acne Treatments:

Daily Hygiene:

  • Wash your face with soap and water twice a day and NOT more to avoid redness and dryness.
  • Use a mild sterilizer for the acne, like Clindamycin.
  • Use skin type-specific wash that contains antimicrobial materials like Sulphur and Benzoyl peroxide that reduce secreted oils and eliminate bacteria.

Balanced and Healthy Food:

Low nutrients’ (Zinc, Iron, and Vitamin B5, A, E) intake level is one of the main reasons behind acne. In addition to high sugar consumption that increases Insulin levels and, in turn, oils secretion.

Thus, it is essential to focus on leafy vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes consumption to reduce your sugars and carbohydrate intake. Also, you should drink adequate amounts of water to maintain skin hydration and health.

Avoid Sunlight Exposure:

Prolonged and extended exposure to the sun can cause several dermal issues, so it is better to always wear sunscreen before going out regardless of the season.

Facial Acne Treatment

Medical Facial Acne Treatments:

Topical Treatments:

They are efficient in mild to moderate acne cases, and you should use them for 2 – 3 months. You ought to use sterilizers like Clindamycin or creams that contain Benzoyl peroxide, Retinoid, or Salicylic Acid, which are mild to moderate skin peelers that exfoliate the external layer, opening the pores and reducing oils secretion.

Systemic Treatments:


They can be ointments or pills, and you need to be cautious while using them as they might have a reversed effect increasing bacteria’s resistance to treatment. Plus, they might have some side effects, including gastric disorders and sun sensitivity.

Retinoid (Vitamin A):

They are pills with a high concentration of Vitamin A that reduce oil levels in your skin. They are the last resort in terms of medication to treat acne as they have many side effects, including:

  • Split lips, the doctor prescribes moisturizers for this issue.
  • Redness and dryness of the skin.
  • Muscle and joints pain.
  • Depression.
  • NOT suitable for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Cosmetic Approaches for Facial Acne Treatment:

  • Dermabrasion: an exfoliating technique to remove the external layer of the skin.
  • Microneedling: using needles to stimulate natural collagen production.
  • Laser Treatments: it can be high or low intensity depending on each case.
  • Chemical Peeling: an in-office procedure to remove the skin’s outer layer, the dermatologist determines the peeling agent’s intensity according to each condition.
  • Collagen injections: it is injected underneath the acne scars to treat the skin and even the color.

The cosmetic industry is continuously advancing, always coming up with new and healthier options to offer you the appearance you desire. Feel free to explore the high-quality natural skin care products available for you in the Arab World at MetroBrazil with fast delivery and competitive prices.

Read More: 12 Steps to Keep Young Skin

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