Why you should use a sulfate free shampoo

You’ve probably already heard about sulfate free shampoo. Although this term is getting famous, it is common that many people don’t know what a sulfate free shampoo is. Many people don’t even know how a sulfate works – and if you are part of this group, don’t worry! 

For years this term has only been familiar among cosmetologists. People who are not from this area naturally don’t know what exactly a sulfate is. Moreover, it is completely normal not to know the exact way a shampoo does its cleanse. 

But that – and much more – will be explained in this article. Let’s take a look! 

What is sulfate

As we all know, the main function of a shampoo is to clean the hair. Its formula has a blend of ingredients for that. These ingredients are usually sulfates – they are designed to clean the hair and are extremely effective in this function. 

They remove the oiliness and surface debris from our scalp. But, on the other hand, they can be too aggressive and dry out our strands, causing damage on the long run. 


Which hair types should avoid sulfates

It is important to achieve a balance: clean hair, but still moisturized and healthy. Straight and extremely thin hair types tend to be oily, and in this case, are not so affected by sulfate. 

However, hair types that tend to be dryer, such as curly and coily shaped ones, can feel this dryness aggravated by the use of sulfate. Regardless of hair patterns, damaged, frizzy or chemically treated locks should also avoid sulfates. 



Benefits of sulfate free shampoo

Besides being less aggressive and preserving more  the hair’s natural moisture, these types of shampoos have other benefits, such as: 

  • Reducing irritation. If your skin tends to be too sensitive, your scalp can be irritated due to sulfates. 
  • Being gentler to the eyes and “tear free”, since the composition is “softer”.
  • Making your hair color last: if you dye your hair, you probably struggle with its maintenance. Keeping the color vibrant and shiny after a while is a tough task. In this case, sulfate free shampoos are a lifesaver: their gentle cleanse helps to retain the color for longer. 


Picking your sulfate free shampoo

If you realized that sulfates might be affecting your hair, but don’t know how to solve this problem, calm down: there are alternatives to them. Here is when sulfate free shampoos enter the scene. 

These shampoos replace the traditional sulfates with lighter ingredients. Nowadays, many manufacturers notify on the labels when a product is sulfate free. 

But besides that, if you want to identify a sulfate free shampoo, keep these two things in mind: the most common sulfates are laureth sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate, and ammonium laureth sulfate. So, read the label’s composition and make sure that your product does not contain these ingredients. 

Secondly: the amount of lather. We tend to think that the more lather a shampoo makes, the better its cleanse. But, actually, this association is not proportional and not necessarily real. 

Sulfate free shampoos, in general, produce less lather and the cleanse is not affected by it. We can conclude that much foam doesn’t mean good cleaning. 

Purchasing your sulfate free shampoo

There are many options of shampoos without sulfate: for a huge variety of hair types, with many different ingredients and many different prices. Certainly, there is one that especially suits you! 

Metro Brazil is a huge e-commerce store of Brazilian products, including shampoos and hair care products. Take a look at our website and find the perfect sulfate free shampoo made for you! 

We hope you enjoyed this article. Share with your friends and follow us on social media! 


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