plank exercise

20 plank exercise you can do at home

While most of us struggle with tight work schedules, it seems that you don’t have time for staying in shape, and due to all those pressures, a lot of people end up with early chronic diseases. 

The gym isn’t the ideal solution for hard workers, but you can still practice at home. It is the perfect way to work, practice, and still have time for your life.

There are lots of exercises that would make a great workout even away from the gym, and while most of them are essential, they still work on specific areas of your body, but you still need some exercises that workout your whole body. One of these exercises which you should consider rolling into your workout schedule is planks.

Benefits of plank exercises

Plank exercises are an excellent alternative for many other workouts, such as crunches; they can help you improve core strength and stability. They can also make your body stronger and much more durable.

It also improves your weaknesses, which makes plank exercise a perfect addition to your workout schedule. It’s an easy one; basically, anyone can do planks, but first, we should make sure that you do it the right way to avoid any unwanted injuries. 

To do a perfect plank exercise, you should put your hands in a straight line on your mat, and hold your body in a straight line from head to toe, be careful not to let your stomach sag or your back round. This leaves us with one other question to answer, for how long should you hold a plank? Well, this question is debatable; it depends on your body and its strength and durability. Here are the most common time goals for plank exercises:

  • 30 sec- it’s ok
  • 1 min- average
  • 1 min 30 sec- good
  • 2 min- very good
  • 3 min- excellent
  • 5 min- plank master
  • 8 hr 15 min 15 sec- that’s the Guinness World Record for men.

But to make the world’s new record in planking, we must do various kinds of planks, and there are so many ways that only make you strong and healthy.

20 plank Exercises you can do at home

plank exercise

Standard plank (high plank)

When performing a plank, you should make sure you do it right to avoid any possible injury.

Start with your knees on the floor and hands directly below your shoulders, in a tabletop position.

Lift your knees until you are supporting your weight on just your hands and toes. It’s better if you spread your fingers to make a stable base. Hold your body in a straight line from head to heels, and do not let your stomach sag or back round. Breathe regularly to avoid cramps.

Forearm plank (low plank)

It’s an excellent exercise for your abdominals. You can start with a standard plank position, and then lower yourself until you are resting on your forearms; keep forearms parallel to each other with hands flat on the floor or clasped together, if that’s more comfortable.

Knee plank

If the standard plank is too difficult, you should try this one.

Start with your knees on the floor and hands right below your shoulders, and hold that position. You can also do it on your forearm with your elbows directly below your shoulders.

Side plank

This exercise stresses one side of your body at a time. Start with a standard plank. Bring your feet together until your heels touch. Lean on your left side while lifting your right arm toward the sky until you balance on one hand. Hold for a while, then repeat on the other side.

Side plank with leg lift

This exercise is so identical to the previous one, Adding lifting the upper leg in the air then holding it.

Reverse plank

Sit on the floor with legs extended in front of you and arms at your sides. Place your hands on the floor next to your hips, fingers pointing toward your feet. Lift hips as high as you can, aiming for a straight line from chin to toes.

It’s ok if you discover here that your shoulders aren’t as flexible as you thought. Just take it slow.

Plank with shoulder tap

Start with the standard plank position. Take your left hand and touch your right shoulder with it, then put it back to its place and repeat on the other side.

This exercise is a friendly, fun addition to your workout.

Knee-to-inside-elbow plank

Start in the standard plank position. Slowly bring the right knee under and across your body, toward the inside of the left elbow. Get it as close as you can without dropping the right shoulder and hip. Repeat on the other side.

Knee-to-outside-elbow plank

Start in a standard plank. Slowly bring the right knee toward the outside of the right elbow. Hold then repeat on the other side.

Plank hip dip

Start in the low plank position. Slowly dip both hips to the right side. Go down as far as is comfortable without touching the floor. Lift back up to a plank and repeat on the other side.

Side plank crunch

Start in a side plank. Push into the floor with the bottom foot and lift the top leg. Bend the knee and bring it in to touch the top elbow. Try not to lean forward and hold. Then repeat on the other side.

Reverse plank hip lift

Start sitting on the floor with legs extended in front of you and arms at your sides. Plant hands firmly on each side, and lift hips as high as they’ll go. Lower hips slowly toward the floor without touching it, and then lift them again.

To make it a bit easier, start with bent knees and work up to keeping your legs straight.

Reverse plank leg raise

Start in a reverse plank with hips lifted and head facing forward. Lift one leg as high as you can without bending your waist. Repeat on the other side.

Mountain climber

Start with a standard plank. Bring your right knee toward your chest, then take it back and repeat with the other leg.

Athletes usually shift between legs quickly, but it’s ok to start slow if that’s too hard.

Plank with a pike jump

Start with a standard plank, then jump with your feet toward your hands, and go back. Keep on doing that until you finish your time.

Arm circle plank

Start with a standard plank position, reach your left arm back and then circle it overhead, bringing your palm back to the floor; repeat on the other side. This counts as one rep.

Plank side-walk

Begin in a plank position with your hands underneath your shoulders, body in one straight line. Cross your right hand over your left as you step your left foot to the left, Then simultaneously step your left hand and right foot to the left, so you’re back in the plank position. Your hands move together as your feet step apart. Repeat that on both sides.


Begin in a standard plank position. Jump your feet to the outside of your hands, coming into a deep squat with your hands still on the floor. Jump your feet back to a plank and repeat.

Plank with bunny hop

Start in a standard plank position with the feet together. Jump your feet to the right, bringing your knees toward your right elbow. Your torso will twist to the right. Jump your feet back to plank and repeat.

Two-point plank

Start in a standard plank; lift your left leg off the ground till your heel is even with your pelvis. Keeping your torso steady, reach your right arm forward. That way, you are balancing on your right leg and left arm, hold that position, then repeat on the other side.

Plank exercises are varied, and all these exercises work for one goal, which is helping you build a great healthy body, and that’s because your health always comes first.

Read More: Daily Cardio Exercise for a Healthy Lifestyle.

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