We all have been injured several times in our life, and knee injuries are one of the most likely injuries to happen. Also, knee pain is usually so severe; it can get in the way of your daily life, work, and exercising; for that reason, the use of medical knee corsets has emerged.
From an anatomic perspective, the knee is a very crowded area full of muscles, tissues, cartilages, and nerves. A knee is also an essential structural support point for your body; it carries a significant part of your weight and can endure stress and strains, making it a lot more vulnerable.
Several ways of healing an injured knee have proved to work, which varies with the cause of injury, its place, and its level. Doctors usually recommend wearing a knee corset; it can help you recover faster and reduce pain. Knee corsets also help with avoiding injuries, especially during exercises.
Why should you use medical knee corsets:
There are many benefits for wearing medical knee corsets, some of which include the following:
Structural support:
Physicians commonly prescribe knee braces for patients with an ACL tear or some knee injury. The knee brace can provide added support during the recovery process.
You can use some kinds of structural medical knee corsets to support your knees and protect them from getting injured during heavy sports.
Pain relief:
Medical Knee corsets help reduce pain, especially if you suffer from osteoarthritis or chronic pain from a previous injury. Although no studies show that knee corsets can cure injuries, they are still so comfortable and offer you knee support. That is why doctors always recommend a medical knee corset.
What are the different kinds of medical knee corsets?

Prophylactic medical knee corsets:
These corsets are designed to prevent injury to the knees during contact sports. Athletes use them during practice.
Prophylactic knee corsets generally have padding to shield your knee from damage due to direct impact.
Functional medical knee corsets:
A functional corset is used to stabilize the knee joint. In doing so, this corset can help prevent a knee injury if you are at high risk due to a structural issue in or around your knee, like weak ligaments or a tendency for knee dislocation.
There are different functional corsets, and the best one for you depends on your knee problem and your anticipated activity.
Types of functional medical knee corsets:
Motion control corsets:
This type is used for sprained or overstretched ligaments on the side of your knee. They are sleeve corsets with metal supports on the inside and outside that help support the ligaments to help maintain your knees.
Patella control corsets:
If you’ve had a dislocated patella, patellofemoral stress syndrome, knee arthritis, or CMP, you can use a patella control corset to reduce the motion of the bone. This type of brace is a neoprene sleeve worn over the knee. It has a cutout that exposes and holds the patella in place during activities like walking, running, or squatting.
Unloader corsets:
These are designed to relieve pain in people who have arthritis in their knees. They shift the weight from the damaged area of the knee to a stronger point.
Rehabilitative corsets:
These corsets are usually used for some time after an injury or surgery. They keep the knee stable but still allow limited movement while it is healing.
Cons of wearing medical knee corsets:
Just like any other cure, there are some risks that you need to consider when using a medical knee corset:
- Skin irritation or swelling: The skin under the corset might become red and irritated if your knee corset fits poorly. Some people also experience swelling around the joint.
- Discomfort wearing the brace: A knee corset can feel heavy, bulky, and hot at first. A poor fit can also cause it to slip.
- Stiffness: Wearing a corset can push you to treat the braced knee as injured and favor the other knee, contributing to joint stiffness.
Finally, it is essential to note how vital it is for you to ask a doctor’s opinion before wearing a knee corset; a wrong choice could lead to a non-pleasing result.
Read More: Thermal Corsets: 7 key features you must look after.
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