Everyone wants shiny, smooth and healthy hair. But each hair type faces special issues and requires some special care. Some habits or products that work well in curly and dry hair types, for example, are not good for straight, thin and oily hair.
However, some habits are universal: there is a routine with basic habits that can make all hair types look prettier. If you want to improve your hair’s appearance, this article will teach you the golden rules of good hair care.
Beautiful hair requires a balanced diet

Nutrients are essential for beautiful hair and the most effective nutrient boost comes from inside: that’s why it is fundamental to have a balanced diet. You can invest in the best hair products, but if you don’t take care of what you eat, you won’t get any results. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals.
Drink loads of water
The reason is similar to the above: hair needs constant hydration and the best hydration our body can get is from the inside as well. Drink 2 liters of water per day, everyday. This is not only good for hair, but for health in general and the results are also very noticeable on skin.
Invest in a good shampoo and conditioner set

Like we’ve mentioned, each hair type has a special need. The type of shampoo that works well for oily hair, probably doesn’t for dry hair. However, there is a right type of shampoo and conditioner for every kind of hair.
Shampooing and conditioning are the most basic steps of a hair care routine, but they are essential and can make a huge difference. Investing in a shampoo and conditioner set that is made especially for your hair type guarantees you fulfill the basic and most frequent needs of your hair in an easy and quick way.
Don’t be afraid to cut off split ends

Some people say cutting the split ends stimulates hair growth. That is not true, but cutting off split ends results in more beautiful and healthy-looking hair. This way, hair looks fuller, with a controlled volume and a softer texture.
Moisturize your hair often
Maintenance is the key to keeping healthy hair. Moisture is fundamental to the strands, since it improves hair’s appearance, repairs, and rebuilds the cuticles. Invest in deep conditioners and hair masks and apply it weekly.
Protect your hair from heat
Excessive heat can cause severe aggression for hair. Heat tools are extremely dangerous if not used in the right way: To avoid that, always use a thermal protector first and avoid tools like flat irons and curling wands more than once a week. There are many leave-ins that offer heat protection and they come in all textures to fit every hair type: oils, lotions, sprays, serums…
Be careful when brushing your strands
Brushing your hair way too much or in an aggressive way can cause severe breakage. Be careful and patient while brushing, and if you need some extra to untie the knots, use special brushes and leave-in conditioners that might help you with this task.
These tips are easy yet fundamental to achieve the dream-looking hair. By creating this routine, you will soon see the results and we guarantee you won’t regret it!
If you are looking for hair products, take a look at Metro Brazil’s website: we have the best products for your routine!
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