Find out the signs that your locks are lacking some protein!
As you probably already know, proteins make up the majority of hair strands. Among the more than 300 types of proteins that we can find in our hair is mainly keratin! Unfortunately, however, these very important substances can be damaged by various factors, such as excessive heat and pollution. This, in turn, leads to unhealthy locks…

But how do you know if your hair is lacking protein or something else? Well, to help you with that, today we are going to show you some signs your locks are in serious need of a protein treatment and why you should do it!
SIGNS THAT YOUR HAIR NEEDS PROTEIN[1]Redken. (n.d.). 5 Signs Your Hair Needs A Protein Treatment. Retrieved June 17, 2021, from
Are your hair strands breaking? If you don’t know, take one hair strand and wet it a bit. Then, stretch it! Does it go back to its original form or does it break? If it breaks, you need a protein treatment NOW. Protein is essential for the hair’s elasticity, something that totally impacts the movement, volume, and overall appearance of your mane!
If your hair used to be super smooth but now it feels dry to the touch and looks filled with frizz, something isn’t right. Nutrients play an important role in hair texture, so if your locks are lacking protein, they will show. So get your smooth hair back by giving your mane a protein boost!

It may seem weird to say that hair can have high porosity. However, that is true and it isn’t something that you should be happy about. When the hair strands are highly porous, this means that they have more gaps, which causes a loss of water and other nutrients.
The best way to treat this is by doing a protein treatment to fill in the gaps! By doing this, you are going to nourish your hair and seal the hair cuticles. The end result is much stronger and healthier hair!
It is completely natural to lose up to 100 hair strands a day. But if you’re noticing a much more intense hair loss than that, something isn’t right – and most likely than not, it is a protein deficiency. So if that is your case, it’s time to do a protein treatment!

Some of the main reasons why hair becomes damaged are chemical procedures and color treatments. Since the products involved in the process affect the natural hair structure, it’s super important to give back the protein (and other nutrients) that the locks may have lost! That’s why if your mane has been through a chemical procedure, it’s important to do a protein treatment so it is strong and healthy!
The main advantage of getting a protein treatment done is the protective barrier that forms around the hair strands. Other benefits of getting a protein treatment include an improvement in hair elasticity and strength, the elimination of split ends, the sealing of cuticles, and a much healthier aspect to the locks!

Although you can book an appointment at a trusted hair salon, the best thing about protein treatments is that you can do them at home! The recommended time between these procedures is weekly or monthly, depending on the state of your hair.
An awesome option for a high-quality at-home protein treatment is the Brazilian brand Nazca’s Professional Keratin Treatment line! Formulated with keratin and biofunctional proteins, it’s great to restore even the most damaged hair – just make sure you follow the instructions properly!

Now you are ready to identify if your hair needs a protein boost! As you can see, getting a protein treatment is quite simple. To see even more excellent options, make sure you visit Metro Brazil’s website to have access to the best Brazilian brands in the hair care industry!