Whether you’re a curious woman or a man looking for underwear inspiration, today we’re going to show you 5 different types of men’s underwear! Nowadays, there are several styles of it[1]J. (2021, January 6). 8 Different Types of Men’s Underwear. ThreadCurve. https://threadcurve.com/types-of-mens-underwear/, some shorter, others longer… but believe me, with each passing day, new types are emerging[2]Men’s Underwear Styles. (2020, November 1). The Underwear Expert. https://www.underwearexpert.com/blog/underwear-style-guide/!
So, let’s see the top 5 styles of men’s underwear and what they are best suited for!
Of course, we had to start this list with the most famous underwear ever! Briefs have several style variations[3]A. (2020a, October 23). Best Men’s Underwear. Real Men Real Style. https://www.realmenrealstyle.com/mens-underwear-body-type/#mistake5, but the traditional one covers the back and front of the lower body, bringing comfort and support. It does not cover the thighs or legs, so it also brings a greater sense of freedom.
Briefs can be found in the “low-rise” versions – below the hip line, ideal for use with low-waisted pants-, “mid-rise” – exactly in the hipline -, and “high rise ”- below the belly button, disguising the belly. This type of underwear is suitable for all types of pants, and can be used with sports clothes, special occasions or everyday outfits.

A variation of the briefs, the “boxers” were introduced by the stylist Calvin Klein, in 1992. It is basically a brief that extends from one-third to half of the thigh. Like the underwear that originated it, boxers are suitable for almost any situation, but mainly for sports.
As they stretch up to the middle of the thighs, the boxer briefs avoid that burning sensation in the legs, caused by the friction between the thighs during exercise. Furthermore, it offers as much support as the briefs, so you can go ahead and try it!

Boxer shorts were created in the 1920s in the USA. Like boxer briefs, this version also extends to the thigh. However, the main difference is more “freedom”: boxer shorts have elastic only around the waist and the fabric is not spandex. That is, you won’t feel so much tightness around the thighs but you won’t feel too much support either.
This type of underwear is ideal for those who do not enjoy the tightness in the intimate area or legs, and can be used on a daily basis, as long as it is not with tight pants!

A variation on boxer briefs, it is a pair of underwear that extends to most of the thighs, almost to the knees. It is usually recommended for men who practice exercises such as running and cycling, or for those who simply want to cover their legs more.

The trunk is basically the opposite of the long boxer. It is a variation of boxer briefs, with less extension on the thighs. This type of underwear, although popular, may not be the most suitable for all men, as it is very tight and shorter.
Like boxer briefs, it is a great option for playing sports, as it offers support while not allowing so much friction between your thighs! So, if you like to move around a lot, it can be the ideal model for you!

The 5 types of underwear models we showed you are just a tiny fraction of the options available today. It is worth remembering that when choosing underwear, in addition to style, it is important to take into consideration the material (elastane or cotton? What do you prefer?) and the brand (is it a high-quality one?). A recommendation is the Brazilian brand Lupo, famous for its underwear of really high quality and extreme comfort, available on the website of Metro Brazil!